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Church Choir

By the grace of Almighty God and through the intercessions of our Patron Saint St. James, Choir of our Church functions under the guidance of our Vicar.

We praise the Lord in helping us to participate the Holy Qurbana as a choir in a beautiful manner. Every Saturday before the evening prayer, we, the choir members gather together to practice special songs and hymns for Holy Qurbana. The choir group participates in competitions at Diocesan level.

Choir Leader: Shaila Reji

Worship Timings

Sundays Summer Winter
Morning Prayer 7:00 am 7:30 am
Holy Qurbana 7:30 am 8:00 am
Evening Prayer
Mon to Sat 7:00 pm 7:00 pm

Intercessory prayer to St. Mary on Wednesday after the evening prayer.