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Friday Fasting Prayer

By the grace of the Almighty God and the intercession of our Saint St. James, the Fasting prayer functions under the leaderships of Rev.Fr. Binish Babu.

Regular meetings are being conducted in the church at 10.30am on all Fridays. The meeting starts with prayer followed by songs, Bible readings and Bible classes conducted by the vicar. After that offertory is collected. The meetings end at 12.30pm with the Noon Prayer. The offertory collected from the prayer meetings is deposited to the Church charity fund. The members visit the houses of patients and offer prayer for the needy.

Secretary: Mrs .Valsama Joy

Worship Timings

Sundays Summer Winter
Morning Prayer 7:00 am 7:30 am
Holy Qurbana 7:30 am 8:00 am
Evening Prayer
Mon to Sat 7:00 pm 7:00 pm

Intercessory prayer to St. Mary on Wednesday after the evening prayer.